Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are words, phrases or sentences which are composed of similar consonantal sounds.
The representations of these in the brain overlap to a great extent making it difficult to articulate.
-> Tongue twisters improve the pronunciation making you a better speaker.
-> You will get to know which words you have difficulty speaking.
-> They are a good warm-up exercise for muscles involved in speaking and can be performed before a public-speaking event.
-> It's a fun activity to do with family and friends.
Becoming a Pro
-> Read the sentence slowly with pauses between words.
-> If you encounter a new word then repeat it until you are saying it clearly.
-> Read the sentence at a slow pace making sure you are clearly pronouncing the beginning and end of each word.
-> Increase the pace in steps after every 5 consecutive correct repetitions.
-> Say it without looking and repeat until you do it correctly 5 times consecutive.